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Includes information on both the new Mendeley Reference Manager and the older version Mendeley Desktop

Web Importer

Screenshot of link to install the web importer

  • Install the Web Importer adding the Save to Mendeley button to your browser's bookmark toolbar. 
  • Search a database and select article citations to save. (Or you can make selections one-by-one after the Web Importer grabs all the citations on the results page.)
  • Add selected citations to a storage place in the database, for example, PubMed's Clipboard.
  • Display the selected citations and click the Save to Mendeley button and then click "Save all" in the popup box.
  • Sync your database.

The example below demonstrates saving two articles from PubMed's Clipboard.

Screenshot of Save to Mendeley operation

Note that the Web Importer will retrieve the PDF for freely available articles, but not for articles acquired through UMass Boston  subscriptions.

  • Use the Full text links to download and save subscription PDFs, but do not save it to your library if you already have a citation. You do not need to create a new citation from the PDF.
  • Connect the saved PDF to its citation in Mendeley desktop by using Add File at the bottom of the citation's Details screen.

Screenshot of adding PDF files


Create Mendeley citations from PDFs

  • Add Files: Import an individual saved PDF or drag and drop the file into Mendeley
  • Add Folder: Import the contents of an existing file folder of PDFs

Adding references in Mendeley

Review added citations

  • Citations are created from the online article.They should be reviewed for accuracy and completeness.
  • Select the Recently Added folder to review the citation. Select an individual citation to review the details.
  • The example below shows a citation created from a PDF import that does not have an abstract. You can copy the abstract from the article and insert it.


Mendeley can import references from database providers such as EBSCO and ProQuest

  1. Select the reference(s) you want to import
  2. Choose Export (EBSCO) or Save (ProQuest) in the library database
  3. Select the RIS (.ris) or BibTex (.bib) format
  4. Download the .ris or .bib file
  5. Open Mendeley and create a folder for the documents you want to import
  6. Highlight your folder and click on "Add Files" icon.
  7. Find the location of the exported file and select it.

Your references will be imported into the folder you selected.

Literature Search

From the Mendeley Desktop, you can use Literature Search to search within Mendeley’s crowd-sourced catalog. 

You can limit your search to authors, article titles, publication names, year of publication, and to only open access publications. When you see your results, you can add them to your library by clicking the “Save” button that appears above the details pane on the right, or by dragging and dropping the article from the results pane to any folder in My Library or group. 

Mendeley LIterature Search


Screenshot - Share Article in Browzine     Screenshot - Mendeley button in Browzine     Screenshot - Article in Mendeley

It is possible to transfer information about an article you're reading on the Browzine app to Mendeley.  

  • From within Browzine, simply click on the box/arrow in the upper corner of the screen, and click to the button under "Bibliographic Management" to share/transfer to Mendeley. 
  • Once in Mendeley, the article will be in the "Recently Added" folder.  If not, click the circular arrows in the lower left corner of the screen to refresh / sync your content. 
  • Note that any article shared from Browzine also imports the PDF of the article into your Mendeley collection, and you will be able to read the content from Mendeley as well. 

Mendeley Suggest

Mendeley provides you with recommendations for papers that you may want to read based on the contents of your on the contents of your library.

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