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NURSNG 601: Advanced Nursing Concepts in Theory and Practice - Fawcett



Any individual with a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits that individual in some major life activity and requires an accommodation must provide documentation of the disability to the Director of the Ross Center for Disability Services. The Director of Disability Services will determine whether accommodations are needed. Once the determination is made, the Director will consult with the faculty member about appropriate accommodation(s). A student with a documented disability is encouraged to register with the Ross Center for Disability Services (Campus Center 2nd floor, Room 2010, Telephone 617-287-7430).


The health professions have codes of ethics and standards for their members. It is the policy of the College of Nursing and Health Sciences that academic dishonesty or misconduct will not be tolerated. All students should familiarize themselves with the policies on Academic Dishonesty and Student Misconduct described in the University and College of Nursing and Health Sciences Student Handbooks. Examples of academic dishonesty include but are not limited to cheating on examinations, submitting written material that is the work of another (plagiarism), or seeking unauthorized use of computer files of a student or faculty member. Misconduct includes but is not limited to furnishing false or inaccurate information, disruptive conduct or threat, or damage to university property.

In keeping with academic honesty, students are NOT permitted to make a paper or electronic copy of NURS 601 examinations. You also may NOT keep a copy of your answers to the examinations.


All students are expected to have an e-mail account at the University of Massachusetts Boston.  Please note that due to security, the UMass Boston URL server often will not recognize personal e-mail accounts if students attempt to forward UMass Boston e-mail messages to their personal e-mail accounts on AOL, Yahoo, or other internet service provider. All announcements about the course and any additional readings will be distributed via the UMass Boston e-mail account system.

Course Web Site


The course syllabus, all PowerPoint slides, examinations, and any other course materials will be posted on the NURS 601 course web site on the Blackboard Learning System. To access the course web site, go to and follow the directions.

To login to Blackboard Learning System (BLS), use your username and password.

Your BLS username is your UMass Boston e-mail address.

Your BLS password is the same password as your UMass Boston e-mail password.



Course objectives: At the end of the course, learners will be able to:

1. Analyze the structure of nursing knowledge from an historical and contemporary basis.
2. Synthesize the theoretical basis of advanced nursing practice
3. Analyze concepts and theories from nursing and adjunctive disciplines as a basis for advanced practice nursing.
4. Evaluate the application of nursing models and theories n the current health care delivery system.

Relevant Nursing Master’s Degree Program Terminal Objectives

  • Apply theories from nursing and other disciplines to the advanced practice care of individuals and families.
  • Demonstrate competency in professional oral and written  communication.

Relevant AACN Essential

  • Essential V: Theoretical Foundations of Nursing Practice



Methods of Instruction

Lecture, discussion, individual and group learning activities

Methods of Evaluation

Course Examinations 58 points maximum
Online Assignment      2 points maximum
Term Paper 40 points maximum

NOTE: THE FINAL COURSE GRADE IS THE TOTAL NUMBER OF POINTS EARNED. Any term paper returned for revision will be re-graded. In the interest of fairness to students who do not have an opportunity to revise their papers, the final course grade will then be adjusted downward by one grade (e.g., total course points resulting in a letter grade of A- will be adjusted downward to a letter grade of B+).

Course Examinations (58 points maximum)

  • The six course examinations are objective tests, and include multiple choice, true and false, and matching questions. Each examination will be worth a maximum of 10 points. You may refer to textbooks and class notes when answering the examination questions.
  • Examinations must be completed individually and in keeping with the Academic Honesty Statement that will be distributed electronically with the e-mail announcement of the availability of each examination.
  • Each examination will be posted on the course web site and will be available for one week. The examination must be completed on the course web site by the due date.
  • Three attempts of no more than 2 hours each to complete each examination are allowed; the computer selects the highest grade from the completed attempts for the examination score.  


Healey Library | University of Massachusetts Boston | 100 Morrissey Blvd | Boston, MA | 02125-3393 | 617-287-5900