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Children's Literature: Home

Topical bibliographies of children's literature for pre K-12 educators


To browse our Children's Award books, please visit this site:

Boston Public Library

The Boston Public Library (BPL) has an excellent collection of children's literature both in the library and online. Search the BPL Catalog for all books or search OverDrive for ebooks and audiobooks.

All Massachusetts residents and students are eligible for a BPL card or an eCard.

Find Books

  1. Go to the UMBrella Advanced Search page
  2. Type juvenile literature (for nonfiction) or juvenile fiction on the top line
  3. From the Any field drop down menu, select Subject
  4. From the Material Type menu, select Books
  5. Add your topic to second line 
  6. Add additional lines as needed

Note: This is not a comprehensive search. Some books for children and many books for teachers do not have the subject juvenile literature or juvenile fiction.

Classic Children's eBooks

Healey Library Statement on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

Healey Library Statement on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

The Healey Library is committed to taking action and making changes as we identify them in order to improve the working and studying environment.

Curriculum Resource Collection Bibliographies

Highlights from Healey

A Selection of Children's eBooks

Healey Library | University of Massachusetts Boston | 100 Morrissey Blvd | Boston, MA | 02125-3393 | 617-287-5900