Electronic Arts Intermix (EAI) is a nonprofit arts organization that is a leading international resource for video and media art. One of the most comprehensive video art collections in the world, the database has a collection of over 4,000 new and historical video works by artists and spans the mid-1960s to the present.
The Middle English Compendium contains three Middle English electronic resources: the Middle English Dictionary, a Bibliography of Middle English prose and verse, and a Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse. The Middle English Dictionary is the world's largest searchable database of Middle English lexicon and usage for the period 1100-1500. This complements the Dictionary of Old English (600 - 1150 A.D.) and Oxford English Dictionary, which the library also has access to.
This full-text database features a unique collection of rare and historically significant jazz periodicals, providing an invaluable window into the development and evolution of jazz as an art form and to the historical, cultural, and sociological facets of American and twentieth-century life that it permeates. Please provide feedback on this trial resource! Trial ends 11/25/2024.
The Sports & Fitness Industry Association membership provides access to the association's content library, which includes the Public Policy & Project Database, research reports, previous event & webinar content, and sports equipment standards & rules changes.
Their new Sports & Recreation Project Database is only free for a limited time.
Statista is a searchable database of statistics, studies, dossiers, infographics and more. It consolidates statistical data on over 80,000 topics from more than 22,500 sources - covering a broad range of industries - whether technology and economy, politics and society or sports and entertainment. The content found in the database can be downloaded in Excel, PDF, PNG, or PowerPoint formats. Please provide feedback on this trial resource! Trial ends 10/15/2024.
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