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Book Reviews & Literary Criticism: A Guide to Selected Resources

Literary Criticism by Author

Critical books

Many authors have entire books written about them and their works.

  • To find books about a particular author, do a subject (not author) search in UMBrella using the author's name, last name first (e.g. Faulkner, William). 

For many significant authors, one or more books have been published that attempt to list all known criticism. They have titles such as William Faulkner: An Annotated Checklist of Criticism, or J.M. Synge: A Bibliography of Criticism. Healey Library has many of these books on the reference shelves on the 4th floor; their call numbers all begin with "P".

  • To find these books, do a search for the author as described above under Critical Books. Look in the results for a subject containing the word "bibliography" (e.g. "Faulkner, William, 1897-1962 -- Bibliography").

Literary Criticism: Starting Points

Literary Criticism: Gale Literary Criticism Series

These are multi-volume print reference works. For each author, they include a biographical introduction, a list of principal works, sources for further study, as well as the full text or excerpts of critical essays. All of them can be found on the reference shelves on the 4th floor of Healey Library. Use the index in the last volume of each series to find a particular author.

Literary Criticism: In-Depth Searching

The above sources are a good place to start, and often suffice to find good critical writing on an author or work. But if fail to find what you need in them, or want to find even more, there are plenty of other places to look.

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