
Ask a Librarian

Library Vocabulary

When you need help with library terms consult the Multilingual Glossary for Today's Library Users

Thank you to Anna Seiffert at Purdue University who allowed me to heavily borrow from her BrowZine LibGuide.

Healey Library Statement on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

Healey Library Statement on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

The Healey Library is committed to taking action and making changes as we identify them in order to improve the working and studying environment.

What is BrowZine?

Peer-Reviewed Journals in a Browsable Format


Collage of Browzine on multiple devices

BrowZine consolidates thousands of peer-reviewed journals from hundreds of publishers and delivers them to your mobile device or computer. Rather than search databases for specific journal issues, BrowZine creates an experience similar to browsing a newsstand and reading a print journal.

What does it do?

  • No more awkward searching through dozens of databases: Easily read complete scholarly journals in a format that is optimized for tablet devices

  • 24/7 Access to the information that matters to you: Create a personal bookshelf of favorite journals
  • Keep up with the latest research trends: Be alerted when new editions of journals are published-No more clumsy RSS feeds to manage
  • Share links to articles with colleagues or email a link to your lab group on the go

How do I get started?

Go to 

BrowZine will automatically detect if you are on campus; otherwise you will be prompted to select your university library.

Download the BrowZine App!

iTunes button Google Play button Amazon app button

1. Download BrowZine by simply going to the app store for your device and search for "browzine".  It's a free download.

2. Select "University of Massachusetts Boston" from the list of libraries.

3. Create an account to track and follow a journal in your bookshelf.

How does it work?

Healey Library | University of Massachusetts Boston | 100 Morrissey Blvd | Boston, MA | 02125-3393 | 617-287-5900