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Types of Continuous Improvement Events

There are 3 types of Lean Continuous Improvement Events 

Just Do It: This is a continuous improvement event that can be done by one person or a small group of people typically on the same team or department. This is when the group is already familiar with Lean tools and methods, has a small problem or process improvement, and already knows what tools/methods to use. These are also most effective when the process improvement or problem is something the individual or team has complete control over. A Kaizen tends to have a larger scope and involve people from different departments or teams. 

Kaizen:  A team based, problem solving, continuous improvement event. A Kaizen will have a pre-meeting where the Kaizen Profile Template is filled out to assess what the problem, target state, and gap between the two is. There will then be a continuous improvement event where those involved will go over Lean ground rules, and the profile sheet. Then as a group they will decide which lean methods and tools to use, and do those. A "Newspaper" will be kept that records who is doing what tasks and on what time frame. A kaizen can take anywhere from 1 hour to multiple 4 hour meetings depending on how big and interconnected of a problem it is, but most take around 2 to 4 total hours. In order to "close the loop" and make sure the process improvements are actually working a follow up should be scheduled 2 to 6 months later to check in and make any necessary updates. The Kaizen Closure template can be used during the follow up. 

Mini Kaizen: A mini Kaizen is in between the just do it and the kaizen. It's a bit choose your own adventure. There can be a pre-meeting, but if it's a small group that already has an idea of what the problem and target state are, the profile sheet can be filled out at the start of the meeting before going directly into using the appropriate Lean tools and methods. These are shorter and typically take 1.5 to 3.5 hours for the pre-meeting and event. Scheduling a follow-up is still recommended. 

How to Schedule a Continuous Improvement Event

To schedule a continuous improvement event please email the librarian who created this guide at 

Healey Library | University of Massachusetts Boston | 100 Morrissey Blvd | Boston, MA | 02125-3393 | 617-287-5900