WorldCat database is a huge combined catalog of over 9,000 libraries in the U.S. and around the world, including the Healey Library. Anyone can search for an item in WorldCat and see all the libraries in their vicinity, and beyond, who carry it.
It contains records for over 74 million books and other items, such as articles, DVDs, journals, visual materials, musical scores - anything that a library has added to its catalog.
WorldCat at UMass Boston is customized to connect directly to UMB Interlibrary Loan. Requesting books and articles from other libraries is much quicker and easier with WorldCat at UMass Boston.
UMass Boston students can visit area libraries and borrow materials for free!
Many area libraries allow walk-in access to everyone. This allows UMB students to use books, periodicals, electronic resources in person. Be sure to check the library's hours and policies before visiting!
UMass Boston students may borrow books directly from some area libraries. The Healey Library has membership in three consortia, which provide borrowing privileges for UMass Boston students. See the list of Library Consortia for member libraries.
If you want to go in person to a library in order to use their resources, save yourself time and start by searching the library catalog to make sure the library has what you need. WorldCat @UMass Boston allows you to search multiple libraries in the area and around the world.
The Boston Public Library (BPL) is a research as well as a public library. Any Massachusetts resident or student is eligible for a BPL card or an eCard. Use either card to access all online resources including OverDrive (e-books, audiobooks) and Hoopla (e-books, audiobooks, movies, TV shows and music).
Boston Library Consortium (Requires BLC Card)
Current UMB faculty, staff and students, whose library records are in good standing, are eligible for a BLC card. The BLC card allows you to borrow materials from the libraries in the Boston Library Consortium when you physically visit those libraries. Check with individual college and universities libraries for borrowing policies.
Fenway Library Organization (Requires UMB ID)
Students, faculty, and staff must present a valid UMB ID card to borrow from FLC libraries. Check with individual college and universities libraries for borrowing policies.
Massachusetts Libraries in Public Higher Education (Requires UMB ID)
Direct borrowing privileges at most Massachusetts state college libraries are extended to current UMB faculty, staff, and students. You will need to have a current UMB ID.
UMB students using any consortia libraries are subject to the same regulations and restrictions that apply to students who attend that institution.