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"Soldier watching crowd of peasants during an official function." SC-0033A Francois Sully Photograph Collection, 1963-1971.
Bert Schneider: Hearts and Minds papers, 1969-2002
Carol McEldowney papers, 1946-1973, bulk 1960-1973
David Hunt oral history interviews with Vietnam veterans and others, 1974-1975, 1986
Francois Sully papers and photographs, 1958-1983, bulk 1963-1971
Gloria Emerson photographs, circa 1970s
Lexington Oral History Projects, Inc., Democracy and Dissent collection, 1994-2007
Peter Davis: Hearts and Minds papers, 1930-1974, bulk 1970-1974
Richard Perrin papers, 1966-2001
Southeast Asian Oral History Project records, 1968-1987
WGBH Educational Foundation Vietnam Project records, 1946-1985, bulk 1979-1983
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