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Tutorial: Why Information Literacy MattersUse this tutorial to show students how information literacy is relevant to their day-to-day lives. Students will become familiar with their own information seeking habits, privilege, and skills used in their personal, academic, and professional lives.
Video: Life in the Information AgeTechnology is changing the way we locate, analyze, and share information. Use this video to introduce students to the evolving information landscape and their roles as responsible information consumers and creators.
Tutorial: Developing a Research FocusIn this tutorial, students will be introduced to pre-research techniques to determine the scope and depth of their research focus.
Video: How to Narrow Your TopicDo your students have trouble selecting a topic for a research assignment? This video will outline the process to help students hone in on a compelling research topic with appropriate scope using strategies like strategic searching. Students will also understand the importance of open mindedness and flexibility in the research process.
Tutorial: Background Research TipsDetermining a manageable research question can be challenging for students. Use this tutorial to introduce strategies for aligning a research focus with assignment guidelines and research tools such as concept maps.
Video: Thesis StatementsUse this video to help students identify the purpose of their research efforts and construct evidence-based statements. Students will learn how to narrow in on a topic, conduct background research, and synthesize the existing body of evidence in order to craft a compelling argument.
Tutorial: Scholarship as ConversationUse this tutorial to encourage students to develop a scholarly mindset. In this tutorial, students will learn how their projects help build the body of work in a given field. Additionally, students will become familiar with the process of attribution and critical evaluation.
Tutorial: Research for Persuasive WritingThis tutorial will introduce students to the purpose and characteristics of persuasive writing in order to locate and select the most appropriate types of evidence to support their assignments. Students will also be able to evaluate both supporting and conflicting evidence in order to incorporate the appropriate types of evidence that will strengthen their position and present a nuanced view of their selected topic.
Video: Framing a ProblemIf your students are having trouble formulating a research question for assignments, start with this video to help students begin the framing a problem. Students will learn the importance of asking open-ended questions and how to approach research as a process.
Video: Creating a Research PlanInformation overload can be a major roadblock in the research process. This video will help students conceptualize a research pathway and consider solutions to common research challenges.