This database includes the following:
CAS SciFinder (including ChemZent): The most comprehensive database for the chemical literature. Search not only research, but also chemical substances, reactions, and patents. SciFinder includes features like biosequence searching, retrosynthetic analysis, patent landscape mapping, touch-screen enabled structure drawing and more.
CAS Analytical Methods: Explore and search methods using criteria like method categories, subcategories, analytes, matrices, and more.
CAS Formulus: Search by Formulations by ingredients, purpose, form function. Includes Formulation Designer, where you can design custom formulation templates based on selections and ingredients.
Tutorials available.
First-time users must register.
Once you know of a masters' thesis or PhD dissertation you want to read, how do you get a copy?
Typically, masters' theses and PhD dissertations can be found at the college/university library where the graduate student (author) received their degree.
UMass Boston theses are listed in UMBrella. Search the catalog by author, title of thesis, or by typing into the search box exactly this: University of Massachusetts at Boston Theses.
For non-UMass Boston theses & dissertations, just follow these steps: