Healey Library Statement on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
The Healey Library is committed to taking action and making changes as we identify them in order to improve the working and studying environment.
Healey Library subscribes to a large number of newspapers, in print, microform and electronic versions. The newspapers can be accessed through UMBrella's new Journal Finder and the library databases. Search the name of the newspaper through Journal Finder.
This subscription allows you to simply go to nytimes.com and log in using an individual account. Get access to the most up-to-date articles. Images, videos, and interactive elements included. Crosswords and recipes are excluded.
How to get an account: 1. Go to accessnyt.com 2. Search for and click the listing for “University of Massachusetts”. 3. Follow the steps based on whether you are On or Off Campus. 4. Attention Chrome users! You will get a security warning. Please go ahead and click ignore!
Important note: If you already have an nytimes.com account, you will need to log out of your personal accounts (if registered to a non-UMB email address) or cancel your subscriptions (if registered to a UMB email) before authenticating through the library's subscription.
Mobile app available from App Store and Google Play.
This subscription allows you to simply go to wsj.com and log in using an individual account. Get access to the most up-to-date articles and the WSJ newsletters. You can download the print edition from the most recent 90 days.
How to get an account: 1. Go to the UMass Boston WSJ link. 2. You will be prompted to sign in through the UMass Boston sign-in screens. 3. Then, you will be taken to a form to create an individual account. Please create the account using a new, unique password instead of your UMB password.
Mobile app available from App Store and Google Play.
PressReader provides access to over 7,000 full-color, full-page newspapers and magazines from over 120 countries. You can discover the content by publication name, country, genre or language, and download the full issues for offline reading.
Mobile app is available from App Store or Google Play. Once you've downloaded the app: Click Sign In > Libraries & Groups > Search for University of Massachusetts Boston and be prompted to log in with your UMB login and password.