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Research Data Management

Research Data Management

What is research data?

Data is anything you perform analysis on.

Data can:

  • Be both digital and physical (i.e. computer files and paper survey responses)
  • Be from many fields - sciences, humanities, etc
  • Include research notes or lab notebooks, survey responses, software, code, measurements, images, audio, video, and physical samples.

Definition from "Data Management for Researchers" by Kristin Briney:

Why is research data important?

Research data management (RDM) will help you:

  • Save valuable time and resources
  • Preserve your data
  • Maintain data integrity
  • Meet grant requirements
  • Promote new discoveries
  • Support open access and open data

RDM is the compilation of small practices that make your data:

  • Easier to find & understand
  • Less likely to be lost
  • More likely to be usable during a project or 10 years later

Most importantly you don't want to lose your data!

Types of research data

Research Data types Include:

Quantitative vs. Qualitative

  • Quantitative - numeric data that answers the questions: how many? how much? how often? (social sciences, physics, natural sciences, health sciences etc.)
  • Qualitative - descriptive in nature and deals with the quality or characteristic of things. It is collected using questionnaires, interviews, or observation. It could be notes taken during a focus group, or responses from an open-ended questionnaire, for example. (anthropology, history, social sciences, etc.)

Primary vs. secondary data

  • Primary data (or raw data) - data that is collected by the researcher for a particular project. This is original data that is collected  from an experiment or observation. Gathered and maintained by the researcher. 
  • Secondary data - data originally created by someone else. For instance, census data or data via open access repositories. The researcher will still identify, analyze, and disseminate the data. 

Other types of data

  • Experimental data - derived from controlled, randomized experiments
  • Observational data - gathered in instances where it is not possible to conduct a controlled experiment
  • Longitudinal (long range) data -  collected for two or more distinct periods. The subjects or cases analyzed are the same, or at least comparable, from one period to the next; and the analysis involves some comparison of data between or among periods.
  • Computational data - the output of a computer that has taken a large set of data and run it through a simulation


NIH data sharing policy

NIH (National Institute of Health) amended their research plan form, including updated Research Data Management requirements

  • Visit the NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy website for details on their new (January 25, 2023) Data Management and Sharing Policy: Data Management and Sharing Policy | Data Sharing (
  • Review the UMB Office of Research & Sponsored Programs (OSRP) NIH 2023 Data Management and Sharing Policy information sheet on the UMB ORSP website, or view the PDF below.

NSF's data sharing policy

NSF (National Science Foundation)-funded investigators are expected to share with other researchers, at no more than incremental cost and within a reasonable time, the primary data, samples, physical collections and other supporting materials created or gathered in the course of work under NSF awards.

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