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Curriculum Resource Collection: Home

MTEL Resources

The College of Education and Human Development (CEHD) offers MTEL Workshops to prepare for the exams.

Children's Award Books 2019

Healey Library Statement on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

Healey Library Statement on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

The Healey Library is committed to taking action and making changes as we identify them in order to improve the working and studying environment.

Curriculum Resource Collection

Healey Library's Curriculum Resource Collection contains pre K-12 instructional materials (print & electronic) to support the College of Education and Human Development at UMass Boston. Within the CRC we have a Professional Collection (pre K-12 instructional materials), Children's Fiction and Nonfiction, Children's Award Books, and Early Childhood assessment materials.

Located on the 4th floor, the resources in the CRC are available to all UMB faculty, students and staff.


CRC on LibraryThing


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  2. On the left side of the results page, scroll down to Location
  3. Select Curriculum Stacks 

Location Curriculum Stacks

Special Collections

Healey Library | University of Massachusetts Boston | 100 Morrissey Blvd | Boston, MA | 02125-3393 | 617-287-5900