Healey Library Statement on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
The Healey Library is committed to taking action and making changes as we identify them in order to improve the working and studying environment.
Best practices for creating documentation
Documentation may take many forms:
Using a file naming convention (FNC) is a simple way to organize your files.
It gives each file a unique name that describes both its content and it's relation to other files
Can be used for both physical and digital files
Identify 4-7 important elements about the data. Elements could include data (YYMMDD format), creator, location, project name, etc.
Separate elements with underscores (file_name.doc) or dashes (file-name.doc). Some software don't recognize files names with space.
Avoid special characters such as: ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) ' ; < > ? , [ ] { } , "
Strike a balance: too few elements creates ambiguity, too many elements limits discoverability
Err on the side of brevity by creating meaningful abbreviations
Create documentation on your FNC that includes elements used, abbreviations used, updates/changes to the FNC, etc.
Use versioning to track your progress
The easiest way to track file versions is to add 'v01', 'v02', etc at the end of your File Naming Convention. Update the version number after each change to the file. Avoid names like 'last', 'initial', 'final', etc. or use software that tracks file versioning like Google Drive.
MOST IMPORTANTLY - Be consistent with your organization practices. Consistency is key to ensuring that you can find your data!
Need to rename many files? Try using a batch renaming tool:
Bulk Rename Utility (free, Windows)
PSRenamer (free, Windows, Mac or Linux)
More information on FNCs - Purdue University Library's File Naming Conventions Guide
Automater (Mac - installed by default on Macs)
Follow the LOCKSS principle: Lots of Copies, Keep Stuff Safe
Practice the 3-2-1 rule. You should have:
3 copies of your data on
2 different storage media with
1 copy in an offset location
In addition,
Test your backups regularly
Documents you storage procedures
Create digital back ups of your physical data
Think critically about storage location and size for your physical data
Your research data is very valuable so it should be stored safely and securely. Doing so will reduce the likelihood of data loss.