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Healey Library Catalogs

Recommended E-book Collections

Electronic books

Full-text electronic books are found in the UMBrella by selecting Filter your results: eBooks under the search box. These collections are recommended:

Healey Library Collection

The UMBrella contains information for all the books, both electronic and print, available at the library. To find books on a topic, search by keyword. If there is a specific book that you require, use the Advanced Search option to search by title or author.

Most of the print collection is located in the Main Stacks, which are on the 8th and 9th floors of the library. Books are arranged by call numbers. The initial letters in the call number indicate which floor to look on, and the rest will help you narrow down the exact shelf location to find the book.

Please stop by the 4th floor Reference desk if you need additional help.

How To Find Poems Using The Online Catalog

There are several ways to search for poems using UMBrella.

Go to Advanced Search. Write POETRY in one search box under KEYWORD and in the search box below, choose a keyword of your interest. For example: POETRY AND WOMEN, POETRY AND VICTORIAN, or POETRY AND SCIENCE.

You can search for poets under Author. Type the last name before the first name when searching. For example, Frost, Robert or Cisneros, Sandra.

You can search the term POETRY and then filter by Subject in UMBrella. Select a variety of filters such as Full text Online or Peer-Reviewed Journals.

WorldCat is another great place to search for poetry. WorldCat will be able to show which books Healey owns and books tht are available through other libraries. WorldCat can be easier to search than the online catalog.


Healey Library | University of Massachusetts Boston | 100 Morrissey Blvd | Boston, MA | 02125-3393 | 617-287-5900