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EHS 260: Physical Activity and Health - Lindsay


sample search from SportDiscus

The sample search is looking for articles with a correlation between physical fitness or exercise and Type 2 Diabetes among children.

  • Truncate child* to retrieve child, child's, children, etc.
  • You can add a second search term in a search box. Use AND, OR to combine the search terms.
  • To find articles about Diabetes Type 2 in the title  of the search results, use the drop-down menu and select TI Title.
  • Use also the database Thesaurus to find Subject Headings to include in your searches.
  • By default, SportsDiscus comes with 3 search boxes. You can add additional search rows.

Revise your search results to better suit your research needs.

  • Narrow the date range
  • View only peer reviewed articles with references
  • Narrow the search by clicking on the Subject boxes on the left

Use demograhic information to narrow the searches:

Examples of demographics include gender, age, ethnicity, language, disabilities, mobility, employment status, and geographic location.

The search below is looking for the relationship between physical activity, BMI in adults with Type 2 Diabetes.

Sample search:    physical activity AND BMI AND adults AND Type 2 Diabetes

     The search has been narrowed by date range and searching for only peer-reviewed articles



Sample searches:

         physical activity AND cancer AND "older adults"

         physical activity AND diabetes AND (lifestyle OR "quality of life")

         physical activity AND Type 2 diabetes AND African American 

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