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Book Reviews

Use this guide to locate reviews and literary criticism of popular and/or scholarly books. Most popular books are reviewed within six months of publication. Scholarly books are often reviewed as late as two to five years after publication.

Find Book Reviews

Healey Library provides access to numerous databases which contain book reviews.  Although each database is different, there are some general search strategies which work across the databases.

  • If you are looking for reviews about a single author, type the author's name in the search box.
  • If you are looking for a review of a specific book, type the book's title in the search box.
  • Depending on the author and title you are searching, you may need to narrow your search more.
  • If the author or title are very common, select "title" as a search field. This will result in the least number of reviews.

The following databases contain options to limit a search by Document Type, and Book Reviews or Reviews.  These options are often located on the Advanced Search page.

Healey Library | University of Massachusetts Boston | 100 Morrissey Blvd | Boston, MA | 02125-3393 | 617-287-5900