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InterLibrary Loan & Document Delivery Policies and Procedures: Requesting Items

This guide provides information about the InterLibrary Loan and Document Delivery functions that Healey Library serves to its patrons.

Contact ILL

InterLibrary Loan office hours:
8:30am - 4:30pm, Mon - Fri
ILLiad log in:
UMass Boston WorldCat:

Request Citation Help

ILLiad and UMass Boston WorldCat

UMass Boston WorldCat and ILLiad are separate but related InterLibrary Loan services.

WorldCat can get you items (anything but copy requests) faster, provided our consortium libraries own these items. To request items from WorldCat, please search for the item you want in UMass Boston WORLDCAT and then request it.

ILLiad may take a little longer for items, but many more libraries use this service. It is also the service to use if you know the item you want and you just want to request it;  you do not want to search for it.  Provide us the author & title and we will do our best to find what you need.

For more information on requesting items, please check out how to request items in the following two formats:

  • Copy - Article, book chapter, conference, etc. - anything that can be scanned and emailed
  • Loan Book, CD, DVD, thesis, etc. - anything that can be mailed to us physically

Request Citation Help

If you do not have enough information about an item you would like to request from ILL, please see the "Request Citation Help" menu.  Requests that are incomplete will be canceled in most cases.  Our reference staff can help you find the correct information to provide.

Healey Library | University of Massachusetts Boston | 100 Morrissey Blvd | Boston, MA | 02125-3393 | 617-287-5900