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INSDSG 602: The Adult as Learner -- Bellnier


What is Adult Learning Theory and Why Is It Important

This overview of the main adult learning theories and their implication for instructional design should lay the groundwork for the rest of the materials for the day.

Irish, K. (2019). What is Adult Learning Theory and Why Is It Important? 


Adult learning and theory building: A review

In Western educational research, Knowles is a foundational theory. Several alternatives and iterations have emerged since then. Merriam provides a comprehensive overview of foundational learning theories. Followed by a few key theories. Merriams also mentions some we will get to later in the term.


Merriam, S. B. (1987). Adult learning and theory building: A review. Adult Education Quarterly, 37(4), 187-198.

Knowles, Malcolm S., et al. The Adult Learner : The Definitive Classic in Adult Education and Human Resource Development, Taylor & Francis Group, 2005. ProQuest Ebook Central.

In the Knowles text, you should just read Knowles, Holton & Swanson (2005). Chapter 9: "New perspectives on Andragogy."

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Merriam, S. B. (2001). Andragogy and Self-Directed Learning: Pillars of Adult Learning Theory. New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education, 2001(89), 3.

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Kegan, R. (1980). Making Meaning: The Constructive-Developmental Approach to Persons and Practice. The Personnel and Guidance Journal, 58(5), 373–380.

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