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INSDSG 602: The Adult as Learner -- Bellnier

Formal - Nonformal - Informal learning spaces

Humans are learning creatures who take in information intentionally and from experience. This is one of those frameworks for helping us communicate with each other and think about general structures - it’s not a rigid classification system. In our examination of adult learning, all three domains play a role.


Lifelong Learning: Formal, Nonformal, Informal, and Self-Directed

Mocker and Spear set out the parameters for the different types of lifelong learning. What do you think of their categories? Do you agree? What definitions would you change and why?

Mocker, D. W., & Spear, G. E. (1982). Lifelong Learning: Formal, Nonformal, Informal, and Self-Directed. Information Series No. 241. 


Formal, Non-formal and Informal Education: Concepts/Applicability

Dib expands the definitions to include open and distance education. Bearing in mind that these definitions - particularly of distance learning - would likely be very different in the over 30 years from this writing.

Claudio Zaki Dib. (1987). Formal, Non-formal and Informal Education: Concepts/Applicability. Conference Proceedings, 173, 300–315. 


The interrelationships between informal and formal learning

Coming closer to the present, this summary of research applies these concepts to workplace environments.

Malcolm, J., Hodkinson, P., & Colley, H. (2003). The interrelationships between informal and formal learning. Journal of workplace learning.,%20JWL.pdf 


Social learning 

Etienne Wegner and Beverly Trayner explore the social and interconnected nature of learning and have developed a social learning framework as well as a theory of communities of practice that can apply to all learning locations (formal, informal, and nonformal).


Video: Social learning - a framework (~10 min)

The Wegner-Trayners introduce their social learning framework through its application. How might this apply to the circumstances you are familiar and/or aim to work?

Wenger-Trayner. (2015). Social learning - a framework [YouTube Video]. In YouTube. 


Introduction to communities of practice

The communities of practice model defines three characteristics - the domain, the community, and the practice. Consider a community of practice you are a part of. How do these three characteristics apply?


‌Wegner-Trayner, E., & Wegner-Trayner, B. (2021, July 26). Introduction to communities of practice.


Communities of Practice and Legitimate Peripheral Participation: A Literature Review.

Legitimate peripheral participation is the mode of engaging with a community of practice, particularly at the beginning. How might you engage in this practice as you start your journey into instructional design or another new area of learning for you.


Zaffini, Erin J. 2018. Communities of Practice and Legitimate Peripheral Participation: A Literature Review. Update : applications of research in music education 36.3: 38–43. Web. 

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