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INSDSG 602: The Adult as Learner -- Bellnier

In Practice


I am including a few models for applying learning theories to teaching and learning design here. 

Gagne is mentioned often, particularly in corporate training. Reflective practice is something we have used here and is becoming a more common practice in areas like faculty development and the Community of Inquiry model is becoming a dominant model for online course design.

Robert Gagne and the Systematic Design of Instruction

Curry, J. H., Johnson, S., & Peacock, R. (2021). Robert Gagne and the Systematic Design of Instruction. In Design for Learning. EdTech Books. 


Gagne’s Nine Events of Instruction

Northern Illinois University Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning. (2020). Gagné’s nine events of instruction. In Instructional guide for university faculty and teaching assistants. Retrieved from 


Reflective practice: The enduring influence of Kolb’s experiential learning theory

Dennison, P. (2010). Reflective practice: The enduring influence of Kolb’s experiential learning theory. Compass: The Journal of Learning and Teaching at the University of Greenwich, 9(1), 23-28. 

The Community of Inquiry.

The Community of Inquiry. (2015). The Community of Inquiry. 


The Community of Inquiry: CoI Emergence and Influence

The Community of Inquiry: CoI Emergence and Influence. (2020). The Community of Inquiry. 

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