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INSDSG 602: The Adult as Learner -- Bellnier



The theory and science of motivation is a challenging one, not least because people are not always self-aware about their motivations. On the other hand, it is a critical point of consideration with adult learners as they often have the means to walk away from learning that is not of interest.


VIDEO: The puzzle of motivation (18 min)

While focused more on employee motivation, Dan Pink’s description of motivation is counter to that while is the default of many parents and instructors who focus on the threat of non-compliance over the carrot of interest.

Pink, D. (2014). The puzzle of motivation.; TED Talks.


What motivates adults to learn

This chapter goes more in depth in to various aspects of motivation. How might these inform how you think about adult learners.

Please click on the link below and navigate to chapter 4. 

Wlodkowski, R.J. (2010). Chapter 4: What motivates adults to learn. In Enhancing Adult Motivation to Learn : A Comprehensive Guide for Teaching All Adults, John Wiley & Sons




VIDEO: Why Self-Efficacy Matters (15 min)

TEDx Talks. (2019). Why Self-Efficacy Matters | Mamie Morrow | TEDxFSCJ [YouTube Video]. In YouTube.

Self-Efficacy Theory

Lopez-Garrido, G. (2020, August 9). Self-Efficacy Theory | Simply Psychology.


‌Perceived self-efficacy in cognitive development and functioning

Bandura, A. (1993). Perceived self-efficacy in cognitive development and functioning. Educational psychologist, 28(2), 117-148.

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